A company with a strong presence
that solves market needs with proprietary technologies
As part of VISION 2031, Teikoku Seiyaku endeavors to be a company that solves unmet needs of medical institutions and patients with unique technologies and to be a company with a strong presence in our specialty field.

Three pillars to achieve VISION2031
01 Delivering patch medication, globally
As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of patch formulations, we will deliver high-quality patch formulations to the world through further expansion of our core businesses.
02 Contribute to a rapidly aging society
Develop products that will contribute to the prevention of various problems such as those faced by bedridden patients and patients with dementia, which will become increasingly important social issues in the future.
03 Relief of human pain
To care for all kinds of pain, including psychological and social pain, in addition to conventional physical pain.

- Respond to changes in the environment of existing businesses
- Launch development products and expand pipeline in target areas (Three pillars above)
- Deepen and acquire proprietary technologies
- Ensure stable supply and reliability
- Earn the trust of the global market